Every playgroup is unique, but they all provide incredibly important services: play-based learning and social-emotional development for children; social support for parents and carers; and connections that build communities.
Our playgroup offer babies, toddlers and young children a wide variety of early learning experiences. Playgroup is a great way for your child(ren) to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills. Playgroup also gives mums, dads, grandparents and caregivers a chance to share ideas and experiences. Many long-term friendships begin at Playgroup.
Playgroup develops physical skills, teaches problem solving, communication and social interaction and, of course, it’s great lot of fun!
Our playgroup provides:
Little Luke’s Playgroup (0-5 year olds and their parents) meets weekly on Wednesday during the school term from 9.45am to 11.15am in the Parish Centre.
If you like to join our Little St Luke’s Playgroup or know more about it contact: Marilyn Hardy vs Email or call (02) 9773 9065.
Saturday (Vigil): 4:40pm Rosary & Rec., 5:00pm Mass
Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 11am & 6pm.
Monday: 9:15am Mass, Ador. & Rec.
Tuesday: 6:15pm Ador., 6.30pm Rosary & Rec., 7pm Mass
Wednesday: 9:15am Mass, Ador. & Rec.
Thursday: 9:15am Mass, Ador. & Rec.
Friday: 9:15am Mass, Ador. & Rec.
1st Friday: Ador. 7am-7:30pm.
Healing Mass – 9:15am & 7:30pm.
3rd Tuesday: Ador. 7am-7:30pm.
Mass – 7pm followed by Praise and Worship.
22nd Day of each month: 7pm Mass to
honour St Charbel with
veneration of the relics.
Ador. – Adoration.
Rec. – Reconciliation.
Parish Location
1 Beaconsfield St, Revesby, NSW 2212, Australia
Parish Office Hours
Mon, Wed, Thur & Friday: 8:30am to 4pm.
Phone: (02) 9773 9065
Deanery: South West Deanery
Diocease: Parish Boundary
Parking Carpark
Available (Entry Via Beaconsfield St)
Weekdays: Around the Church or on the road.
Weekends: Parking is located in the School yard.
Wheelchair Access: Available (Via Side Door)
Office Team
Priest: Rev Dariusz Basiaga SDS PP JP
Pastoral Associate, Sac.Co. & Secretary: Pauline Sahyoun
Bookkeeper: Maria Amaral
Administrative Assistant: Yvette Elliasl
Catechists’ Coordinator: Jowell El-Zreiby
Playgroup Coordinator: Marilyn Hardy
Youth Coordinator: Claudia Cazon
Formation Coordinator: Ansir Aquinas
Marketing & Communication: Patrick Tadros
Safeguarding Office: Felicity Chang
Parish Council: Elliott Bowen
Finance Committee: George Mansour