Liturgical Ministries
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Description: This Ministry involves:
- Preparing the Altar for Mass (water, wine, candles, hosts, etc.)
- Directing the Altar Servers
- Liaising with Projectionists, Musicians and Readers
- Assisting the Priest/s during Mass
- Packing up after Mass
- Occasionally assisting at Funerals, Weddings and Baptisms
- Occasionally bringing Communion to homes/hospital/aged care
Acolytes and Senior Servers meet if/when the Priest requests a meeting.
Contact: Russell Rodrigo.
Description: The ministry of Altar Server is a great privilege that is taken up by only a few people in the church. It is believed to have existed, in various forms, as early as the 3rd Century in the Catholic Church. Altar Servers have an active role in the Order of the Mass. They assist the priest during the Mass. Equally as important, they assist the community in prayer through their actions and symbolism during the Mass. In our parish of St Luke’s, altar serving is open to any Catholic boy or girl in Year 4 at school or older. To be the Altar Server, you must have made your First Reconciliation and received First Holy Communion. After some initial training, Servers are placed on the roster with more experienced Servers in order to develop their confidence and understanding of the role. By volunteering to become an Altar Server, you are entering a ministry of service where reverence, dedication and commitment are needed in order to perform the role properly. Being a Server becomes a part of your identity that travels with you through life and the commitment by the Server is very much a commitment by their family.
Contact: …….
Description: The Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion distribute Communion during Mass. Ministers collect a cross before Mass so the Acolyte can identify how many Ministers can assist during the Mass. Those wishing to become Ministers undertake training and are commissioned by the Parish Priest for this Ministry.
Contact: Russell Rodrigo.
Description: The Lectors commentate before Mass and read from the Bible during Mass. Lectors meet 1-2 times per year in the Church at the discretion of the Lectors’ Coordinator.
Contact: ……
Description: Musicians lead in singing and in playing music at our weekend Masses. Musicians schedule their own meetings to practice their Church hymns. One musician from each group currently provides the list of hymns that will be played to the Projectionist Coordinator (for the slides) and the Parish Secretary (for Copyright purposes). Musicians generally play and sing during the following parts of Mass: Entrance, Offertory, Communion, Reflection and Recession.
Contact: Hugh Casey.
Description: Count money from collections every Sunday from 8:15 am to 9:30 am. Wardens ask Parishioners to assist with collections during Mass. The 1st Collection is allocated to support the needs of the Priests of the Parish. 2nd collection is allocated to support the maintenance and buildings for the Parish.
Contact: Bookkeeper.
A wonderful group of parishioners who welcome mass attendees into the church before the mass and the Parish community.
Contact: ……..