Mass vs Jesus life

“The Holy Mass is a brief compendium of the whole Life of Christ and renewal of all the Mysteries included in it; in fact this is an authentic repetition of all that Christ did and suffered upon earth”. It may be said that Our Lord put on the priestly vestments while hidden in...
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CREED – We believe…

If you want to know the basics of the Catholic faith, this list of twelve articles mirrors the Apostles’ Creed.
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Love and Responsibility

“The person as subject and object of action” Pope John Paul II wrought that “the world in which we live is composed of many objects”. Then he clarifies the meaning of this sentence: “An ‘Object,’ strictly speaking, is something related to a ‘subject’ It is...
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An Indulgence

An indulgence, in Roman Catholic Church, is the (full or partial) remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. An indulgence is Partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin or Plenary if it removes all punishment. The...
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